Welcome, weary space traveller, to Voidfrog Plaza, A congregation ground for all pieces of media I create. Feel free to check them out! They are arranged into categories, for which I have attached brief descriptions below. Click on the navigation bar above, or the title of the category you want to go to below, and click on the hand in the top right corner to get back here!
Here you can find a selection of music I have made. I create music using FL Studio, and I play guitar, keyboard and a selection of other instruments such as the kalimba on most of these tracks. Here You'll find the track name, a brief description of the track, a means of listening to is as well as a link to it on my Newgrounds or Youtube page.
You can also find the Seething Avenues Phase 1 Original OST on Spotify, HERE.
This is a page where I upload fictional webseries, which thus far consists of my ongoing multimedia webcomic, Seething Avenues, and my webnovel Lamplighters: Anacrusis, as well as a handful of short comics of varying quality.
Here you can watch the few short animations and animatics I have created in the past. The longest would be The World Machine, a short movie I created to display the efects technology may have on nature in a theoretical future. All animations have been created in OpenToons, featureing soundtracks created by me.
Here is a small progress diary for a video game I am creating. It includes screenshots and clips of gameplay as well as lists of things I've added on each date. The game itself centers around the characters Grammar and Epsilon, who you can meet now through the "Iceberg" comics in my Comics page
Here you will find a gallery of other miscellaneous artworks I have created through a variety of means. Oil paintings, watercolours, digital art, clay sculpures etc. Non-digital artworks have been photographed or scanned onto an image file, and most digital art has been drawn in ArtRage. Click on an image to expand it.
The December Garden
(A Gothic Webcomic)
An ensemble cast of strange characters try to find meaning in their lives in the aftermath of the Rapture.