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You are the Fingerband! A band of finger heroes tasked with defending the desserts from the Prying Eyes. Place a pair of fingers and stretch a rubber band between to create a catapult. Use your catapults to fight the ocular seers with paper hornets, thumbtacks and markers. Whatever you do, do not let them embed in the cake!
A game of skill and tactics designed for tablet.

"Fingerband!" is the property of Haiku Interactive Ltd. My role in the creation of the game is as follows: creation of all sprites, animations, backgrounds, UI elements and other visual aspects, creation of all sound effects, creation of all musical soundtracks.

You can download the Processing file for the game HERE.


Crooked Heights is a short, narrative-driven apocalyptic horror game developed by me using Unreal Engine. The player must solve puzzles and make their way though abstract mazes to ascend to the top of a twisting, mist-shrouded hill. As the player ascends, they unlock the story of The Courier (voiced by Des M. Astor) - a girl who through her years of coping with locked-in syndrome, found herself with subtle telepathic abilities that led her to joining an ascensionism cult. This cult - known as the "Order Of The One" - used her to unknowingly lure sacrifices to them, which they used in rituals to bring about the Rapture in which humanity condenses into huge conglomerated beasts that stalk the empty landscape. Throughout the game, the player (using the Courier as a vessel) climbs the aftermath, unravelling the ghosts of the lost souls lured to the cult by the Courier until the ending, where overcome by her guilt and loneliness, she joins in her creation. Perhaps... There is a better ending to be found?


You are a Spaceman travelling home from a mission in the remote, far-out galaxy of Javilum-30-B. So far as you know, the mission has not been authorised by your commander Laxxiom, though your fleet leader - a mysterious captain with a questionable past, the Reaver - has promised you a high payout for the Precious Mystery Stone you have collected. Even more now, actually, since you are the only Spaceman in your fleet left alive!
See, on your way back home, you have encountered an angsty pack of Javai Scripple - an alien race who are very protective of their Precious Mystery Stones, who also have guns.
Can you defeat the fleet of Scripplings and return home to Earth??
Well, just try not to awaken their Mother, else your chances of survival will be significantly lowered!

You can download the Processing file for the game HERE.


Here is a small progress diary for a video game I am creating. It includes screenshots and clips of gameplay as well as lists of things I've added on each date. The game itself centers around the characters Grammar and Epsilon, who you can meet now through the "Iceberg" comics in my Comics page


Date Entry
SEP 16

Let there be Grammar:

  • Created basic player sprites and animations - four directional sprites and animations for walking and running.
  • Grammarsprite 1 Grammarsprite 2 Grammarsprite 3 Grammarsprite 4
  • Created movement system - player may walk or run in 8 directions.

  • Set up camera object which follows the player with movement padding so as to avoid screen jitter.
SEP 25

Environment building 1:

  • Created the beginnings of a tileset I will use to create the Iceberg.
  • Tileset1

  • Created a seperate tileset for animated elements such as flowing water.
  • Tileset2

  • Created footstep sound effects which I will implement later.

  • Implemented tilesets into a tiling layer to create the beginnings of an Iceberg map.
  • Map Start

  • New soundtrack "Icesong 1" created.
SEP 27

Environment building 2 (+basket):

  • Created tree objects which Grammar can collide with.
  • tree
  • Created a collisions tile layer to set boundaries for Grammar.

  • Grammar now leaves footsteps when walking over snow which dissapear after a while and creates splash particles when walking through rivers.

  • Implemented seperate footstep sound effects for walking and running on snow, water and ice.

  • Grammar Has been given a basket.
  • Grambasket

Trees 1:

  • Trees now have a chance to bare fruit.
  • tree baring fruit
  • Fruit-baring trees act as entities that can be ineracted with - interacting with one with a basket in hand leads to a seperate room.
  • New trees bare fruit every five minutes.

  • New soundtrack "Icesong 2" created.

  • Fixed depth-sorting.
OCT 12

Music/ambience system:

  • Cold, ominous ambience added when walking around.

  • Random ambient noises such as distant occarina calls occur at random intervals.
  • A randomised song will play at intervals between 0 and 3 minutes to break up the ambience.
  • All tuned sounds and tracks are in the key of A minor or a relative key.
OCT 17

Trees 2:

  • Upon interacting with fruit-baring trees, the player is transported to a new room where they can collect the fruit.
  • Fruit minigame screencap

  • Collected fruit is kept inside the basket when walking around outside the fruit-collecting minigame, during which it is displayed on the top-left of the screen.
  • fruit counter

  • catiching rotten fruits spoils four of the fruits in your basket.
  • rotten fruit

  • Fruit catching sound effects tuned to A minor or relevant key.