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Here you can watch the few short animations I have created in the past. The longest one would be The World Machine, a short movie I created to display the effects technology may have on nature in a theoretical future. All animations have been created in OpenToons, featuring soundtracks created by me.

Big Cheese VS The Cheese Eater

"Big Cheese VS The Cheese Eater" is a 2-minute animated music video about cheese and capitalism. It was created using a combination of Blender, Krita and Adobe After Effects for an original song.

Or watch it HERE on YouTube!

Corpse Continuance (from Seething Avenues)

"Corpse Continuance" is the name of a short animation from the first chapter 21 of Seething Avenues, and serves to function as an introduction to Phase 2 of the series. Tools used in the creation of this animation are as follows: Blender, Krita, After Effects, FL Studio and Premiere Pro. Seething Avenues can be read following the link below:

Seething Avenues Or watch it HERE on YouTube!

The World Machine

"The World Machine" is a five minute short film I created for my 6th year High School art project. It is centered around an environmental theme and acts as an informative film targeted at children and teens. I also composed the soundtrack, thinking about the mood and story I wanted to tell as I did so.

Or watch it HERE on YouTube!

Faceland Animatic

"Faceland" is a conceptual sci-fi webseries based around the concept of the World being a literal stage, where the Gods are Playwrite and Audience, and the denizens of Earth are forced to take on characters to hold their godly attentiion, 'lest they fade and die. This is an animatic of a scene near the climax of the story. For context, read Faceland's pitch bible, HERE.

Or watch it HERE on YouTube!

Seething Avenues Elevator Scene

"Elevator scene" from Seething Avenues, which you can read in the Webseries tab.

Or watch it HERE on YouTube!


"Concept" is a short animation and sound design test I created for practice. As an extra challenge, I want to try and create an entire musical album based around this short, crude clip. I have absolutely no idea how I am going to do that but I have already thought of some track names such as "Exploded Duck" and "Spinning Gunman"

Or watch it HERE on YouTube!


"Aspen" is the first animation I ever created, not counting the unspeakable things I did with Pivot Stickman in Primary school. It features a hopping frog-like creature amongst a forest of aspen trees, which are known to appear as if the have eyes on them. In this short, I brought the trees to life. I also composed the music that goes along with it.

Or watch it HERE on YouTube!

Ghost Avenue

"Ghost Avenue" is a short animation clip I did for fun, as I wanted to animate Lady Fergif from my comic "The Soup", which can be found in the comics section of this website. here is not much more to say about this animation, other than the lighting on Lady Fergif could be improved.

Or watch it HERE on YouTube!